For those that have read the book, kudos to you! You will (or should at least) like this adaptation. I am very picky when a book goes to screen, but the screen writers did a great job on this one. The costumes, makeup, and actors and actresses all did a wonderful job of pulling off their roles. The Seam they built and filmed looked just like the one in my head!
For those of you who have yet to read this series, pick up a copy and get going all ready. It is one you won't forget and trust me when I say, it is nothing like the "Twilight Saga." However, you can still see this movie without missing out on too much. The book is always better because you get the extra detail going on in the character's head that doesn't translate to big screen.
I would give this movie and easy 4.5-5 out of five. The violence was not as heavy as in the book (which is good because I hate blood and guts) and there were only four bad words that a friend and I could count. My favorite part was when.... just kidding. See the movie and then we'll talk. I wouldn't want to spoil anything for anybody.
If you have concerns regarding your child watching this movie, let me say that I have a thirteen year old and would have no problem with her seeing this movie. She is currently reading the book and it has more violence than the movie. My husband and I always see a PG-13 movie before our teen gets to watch it, that way we can decide if if is acceptable or not. My smaller children, though, would not be allowed to watch this movie until the age of 13. I did look up christian movie review sights for their perspective. Some think it is ok to marginal, while others don't accept the violent content or the kissing scene in the movie.
As a parent, it is hard to read or watch children killing children all so some select group of people get some sport from it (wait that sounds a little like the Romans at one point), but at the end of the day, this is a fictional book and movie. If the content of this movie is not to your liking, then I wouldn't recommend it, however, if your a fan of the series already, I say go for it.
Tune in for Weird Wednesday this week when I will discussing immortality and what it has to do with us.
I waited until Saturday to watch with my book club - so hard. I was really impressed by how well it translated to screen. Better than I expected. I started crying just a few minutes in and didn't stop until the credits were rolling.